Info on St. Lucia:
Nice Pictures of St. Lucia
St. Lucia One Stop, a site about St. Lucia, with even links to listen to St. Lucian radio.
(from lonely planet)A spate of resort developments on St Lucia has made this high green island one of the Caribbean's trendy package-tour destinations,
but it's still a long way from being sanitized and overdeveloped. Much of it is markedly rural in nature: a mix of small fishing
villages, secluded coves, sprawling banana plantations and mountainous jungle. The most dramatic scenery is in the south,
where the twin volcanic peaks of the Pitons rise sharply from the shoreline to form distinctive landmarks. If you're worried
about visiting a potential second Montserrat, relax - there hasn't been a volcanic eruption since 1766.
Area: 616 sq km (240 sq mi)
Population: 156,260
Capital city: Castries (pop 50,000)
People: African (90%), mixed descent (6%), European and East Indian (4%)
Language: English & French-based patois
Religion: Roman Catholic (90%), Protestant (7%), Anglican (3%)
Government: Independent republic within the British Commonwealth
Major industries: Bananas, coconuts, cocoa, assembly of electronic components, clothing, tourism. Major trading partners:
USA, Caricom (Caribbean community) countries, UK, Japan, Canada
St Lucia has two airports: most international flights land at Hewanorra, at the southern end of the island, while most inter-island
flights land at the more conveniently located Vigie Airport near Castries, the capital.
ABOUT ME: I served in the Peace Corps in Saint Lucia, in the West Indies, from August 2002-2004, in the 69th group
of volunteers there (also called EC 69) as a graduate student at the University of Washington, enrolled in a Masters of Public
Administration program called the Peace Corps Masters International (PCMI). I have now returned to the U.S. to finish graduate school and seek a job in international development.
On a personal note, I also have alopecia, which is a condition that caused me to lose all of my hair in 1999. There's
still a lot of unanswered questions about alopecia, but doctors think it is an autoimmune disorder. Essentially, I've become
allergic to my own hair. There's no history of this in my family, or in me, and it could come back, or not come back, at any
time. I was one of the unfortunate types who lost ALL of my hair... sigh. There's a link to NAAF on the right if you have
more questions. I do wear a wig, so you'll see me both "hairy" and "au natural" in various photos. This all adds a whole new
dimension to my experiences in a place where people are very blunt about physical appearances, and in which I am swimming
publicly very often--something which I shunned out of self-consciousness before.
Some facts about Peace Corps EC: We are not allowed to drive, or ride bicycles or motorcycles. We are not allowed to have
roommates, or live in the most developed, expensive area of the island, though my apartment is closest of anyone's to that
area (Rodney Bay and north, excepting Gros Islet). We are not allowed to leave the island without permission, get married
or pregnant during our service. There are quite a few rules regulating our lives here, which aren't too difficult to follow,
but come as quite a surprise to many locals when we tell them. We live in sort of a double-fishbowl: always being watched
by the locals as well as always being watched by the Peace Corps administration. It is an interesting experience, especially
for those of us used to living in fairly big cities with a reasonable degree of anonymity.
St. Lucia Reading List
Eiger Dreams - Jon Krakauer The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver Jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins Mother
Night - Kurt Vonnegut Lucy - Jamaica Kincaid Stories - TC Boyle Holly - Albert French Ralph's Party - Lisa Jewell Croppers
Cabin - Jim Thompson The Getaway - Jim Thompson Saving St. Germ - Carol Muske Dukes Jazz - Toni Morrison Midwives
- Chris Bohjalian The Last Time They Met - Anita Shreve Sea Glass - Anita Shreve Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone - JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - JK
Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix - JK Rowling Foxfire
- Joyce Carol Oates Swimming in the Volcano - Bob Shacochis Easy in the Islands - Bob Shacochis The Next New World
- Bob Shacochis Good in Bed - Jennifer Weiner A Map of the World - Jane Hamilton A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry Rapture
- Susan Minot The Nanny Diaries - Emma McLaughlin Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing - Melissa Banks A Pirate Looks
at 50 - Jimmy Buffett The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks The Smoke Jumper - Nicholas Sparks Floating Down to Camelot
- David Benedictus The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen The Victim - Saul Bellow Open Secrets - Alice Munro Fear
of Flying - Erica Jong Brand New Memory - Elias Miguel Munoz Catch Me If You Can - Frank W. Abagnale Mrs. Dalloway
- Virginia Woolf The Hours - Michael Cunningham The Dive from Clausen's Pier - Ann Packer The Reader - Bernhard Schlink
The Timeless Place, The Chosen People - Paule Marshall LaBrava - Elmore Leonard The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros Under
The Volcano - Malcolm Lowry How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent - Julia Alvarez Where the Heart Is - Billie Letts An
Occasion for Loving - Nadine Gordimer If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet? - Cynthia Heimel Solibo
Magnificent - Patrick Chamosiseax The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold Therapy - Steven Schwarz Leaving Mother Lake -
Yang Erche Namu & Christine Mathieu Cruel & Unusual - Patricia Cornwell Finding Fish - Antwone Fisher Don't
Stop the Carnival - Herman Wouk The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood Sophie's Choice - William
Styron Disaster Mitigation, A Community-Based Approach - Andrew Maskrey In Her Shoes - Jennifer Weiner American Pastoral
- Phillip Roth Important Things That Don't Matter - David Amsden Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks Bodily Harm - Margaret
Atwood I don't Know How She Does It - Allison Pearson Waiting - Ha Jin Teeth - Hugh Gallaghher The Verificationist
- Donald Antrim Long After Midnight - Iris Johansen Caribbean - James Mitchener Confessions of a Dangerous Mind -
Chuck Barris Bringing Down the House - Ben Mezrich Messages From my Father - Calvin Trillin Family Man - Calvin Trillin Fingersmith
- Sarah Waters The Law of Similars - Chris Bohjalian Tales of a Female Nomad - Rita Goldman Gelman The Liar's Club
- Mary Karr Black Like Me - John Howard Griffin All New People - Anne Lamott The Pillars of Hercules - Paul Theroux A
Girl Named Zippy - Haven Kimmel The Cape Ann - Faith Sullivan The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien The Best American Short
Stories 1990 - Richard Ford(Ed.) Paradise - Toni Morrison Operating Instructions - Anne Lamott A Trip to the Beach
- Melinda & Robert Blanchard Rules of the Wild - Francesa Marciano Shosha - Isaac Banshevis Singer Cry, the Beloved
Country - Alan Paton Bag of Bones - Stephen King The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd Jester - James Patterson
& Andrew Cross The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - Stephen King Black House - Stephen King & Peter Straub Living Poor-A
Peace Corps Chronicle - Moritz Thompson Ella Minnow Pea - Mark Dunn Jemima J - Jane Green Bookends - Jane Green Bel
Canto - Ann Patchett Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon The Doctor and the Devils - Dylan Thomas Three Junes - Julia
Glass Straight Talking - Jane Green The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pyhchon Easy - Emma Gold Life of Pi - Yann Martel Fierce
Invalids Home From Hot Climates - Tom Robbins The Brothers Karamazov - Fydor Doestoyevsky The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown How
to Be Good - Nick Hornby Last Chance Saloon - Marian Keyes The Woman Who Walked into Doors - Roddy Doyle Ignorance
- Milan Kundera The Beach - Alex Garland The Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
About Alopecia
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF)